The pharmacokinetic differences between drugs prescribed to men and women. Many commonly prescribed AEDs were patented before the issuance of the 1993 NIH Revitalization Act, meaning the exact effects on women remain unregulated and understudied. User byehappyending, in the Epilepsy subreddit, 29 Dec 2021
I just makes sense to study for men and women separately. Wonder why it’s not more of a thing User KittonCorpus, in the Interesting_Shit subreddit, 30 Jun 2021
Sex differences in pharmacokinetics predict adverse drug reactions in women - study | prescribing equal drug doses to women and men neglects sex differences in pharmacokinetics and dimorphisms in body weight, risks overmedication of women, and contributes to female-biased adverse drug reactions. User liz-pks, in the Reddit Science subreddit, 30 Jun 2021