يصيب نصف سكان العالم.. هل سيكون قصر النظر هو الوباء القادم؟
حين زحف وباء "كوفيد-19" وأجبر الدول على الإغلاق، يبدو أن ذلك الإغلاق أسهم في سرعة تطور "وباء" آخر حذَّر منه العلماء سابقا، وتكمن…
حين زحف وباء "كوفيد-19" وأجبر الدول على الإغلاق، يبدو أن ذلك الإغلاق أسهم في سرعة تطور "وباء" آخر حذَّر منه العلماء سابقا، وتكمن…
Activity levels for kids and teens dropped during the pandemic in and out of school Some young learners are struggling to build…
Credit to Author: Canadian Immigrant| Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 13:21:46 +0000 Organized play and sporting opportunities for…
Organized play and sporting opportunities for children have finally started to resume after having just passed the two-year…
Organized play and sporting opportunities for children have finally started to resume after having just passed the two-year…
Organized play and sporting opportunities for children have finally started to resume after having just passed the two-year…
The forced slow down the pandemic offered may have long-lasting effects on children and families' activities.
Organized play and sporting opportunities for children have finally started to resume after having just passed the two-year…
There’s snow way Canadian childhood will be the same without snow days. I’m in elementary school.
– By Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, Assistant Professor of Law and Society, Wilfrid Laurier University Unstructured outdoor play is an…
Public health research shows a strong connection between outdoor play, schoolyard quality and students’ health — including…
An important incidental change that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic has been our collective rediscovery of the outdoors.
An important incidental change that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic has been our collective rediscovery of the outdoors.
During the pandemic, U.S. adults have on average exercised less, drank and smoked more, and spent more time in front of…
During the pandemic, U.S. adults have on average exercised less, drank and smoked more, and spent more time in front of…
During the pandemic, U.S. adults have on average exercised less, drank and smoked more, and spent more time in front of…
During the pandemic, U.S. adults have on average exercised less, drank and smoked more, and spent more time in front of…
Since COVID-19 first shuttered schools last spring, American children have been subjected to a kind of natural experiment in…
Since COVID-19 first shuttered schools last spring, American children have been subjected to a kind of natural experiment in…
Back-to-school is here again. While we might hope that beginning the academic year with schools open for in-person learning…
Back-to-school is here again. While we might hope that beginning the academic year with schools open for in-person learning…
Back-to-school is here again. While we might hope that beginning the academic year with schools open for in-person learning…
Back-to-school is here again. While we might hope that beginning the academic year with schools open for in-person learning…
For children, the risks associated with school closures have surpassed the health risks associated with COVID-19.
CooperVision Canada, a global leader in myopia+management, today announced that popular Québec pop singer, entrepreneur, actress…
Aug. 31, 2021 12:30 UTC Increased use of near vision among children has sparked concerns of myopia development1 MONTRÉAL--(BUSINE…
CooperVision Canada, un chef de file mondial dans la gestion de la myopie, annonce aujourd'hui que la populaire chanteuse pop qué…
In this article: Increased use of near vision among children has sparked concerns of myopia development1 MONTRÉAL, August 31…
L'utilisation accrue de la vision de près chez les enfants a suscité des inquiétudes quant au développement de la myopie1 MONTRÉA…
Increased use of near vision among children has sparked concerns of myopia development1 MONTRÉAL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CooperVision…
By Sharon Goldfeld, Director, Center for Community Child Health Royal Children's Hospital; Professor, Department of Paediatrics…
By Sharon Goldfeld, Director, Center for Community Child Health Royal Children''s Hospital; Professor, Department of Paediatrics…
By Sharon Goldfeld, Director, Center for Community Child Health Royal Children's Hospital; Professor, Department of Paediatrics…
– By Sharon Goldfeld, Director, Center for Community Child Health Royal Children’s Hospital; Professor, Department of…
It’s been a tough 18 months for Australian families and their children. We can’t underestimate the cumulative impact of parent…
It’s been a tough 18 months for Australian families and their children. We can’t underestimate the cumulative impact of parent…
by Renee Umstattd Meyer, J. Aaron Hipp, Outdoor play is critical for child development—it decreases stress, increases…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
– By Renee Umstattd Meyer, Professor of Public Health, Baylor University Play is especially important during the summer months…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
contributed AP (The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(THE CONVERSATION) Outdoor play is critical for child development – it decreases stress, increases communication and social…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Renee…
Outdoor play is critical for child development – it decreases stress, increases communication and social skills, attention and…
Outdoor play is critical for child development – it decreases stress, increases communication and social skills, attention and…
The global initiative aims to raise awareness of the growing issue of myopia in children 3 min read Pexels/Pixabay Australian…
Patricia Díaz 21·05·21 | 10:16 Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
Patricia Díaz 21·05·21 | 10:15 Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
Patricia Díaz 21·05·21 | 10:15 Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la…
¿Aumenta la miopía en los niños por culpa de los confinamientos? Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
Patricia Díaz 21·05·21 | 10:15 Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la…
Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o la reducción de juegos al aire…
| sport 21/05/2021 a las 09:30 CEST Los nuevos hábitos de vida derivados de la pandemia, como el aumento del uso de pantallas o…
Look and you shall see: A generation of the real-life nearsighted Mr. Magoos is growing up before your eyes.
Look and you shall see: A generation of real-life nearsighted Mr. Magoos is growing up before your eyes.
Look and you shall see: A generation of the real-life near-sighted Mr. Magoos is growing up before your eyes.
Muito se fala sobre as crianças de hoje em dia não saírem mais às ruas para brincar.
Salud Personal La disminución de la exposición a la luz exterior parece ser un factor importante en el aumento de los índices…
American adults spend over eight hours a day staring at screens. It’s a wild statistic, with upsetting implications — over the…
By Jane Brody May 5, 2021 — 10.15am Look and you shall see: A generation of the shortsighted is growing up before your eyes.
Look and you shall see: A generation of the real-life nearsighted Mr. Magoos is growing up before your eyes.
Personal Health Decreased exposure to outdoor light appears to be a major factor in rising rates of myopia in young people…
The world is more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, so many people have been living with lockdown restrictions…
Rewild your kids: why playing outside should be a post-pandemic priority: This generation of children will face a range of…
– By John J Reilly, Professor of Physical Activity and Public Health Science, University of Strathclyde This generation of…
This generation of children will face a range of challenges, including the impacts of climate change, increasing globalisation…
This generation of children will face a range of challenges, including the impacts of climate change, increasing globalisation…
This generation of children will face a range of challenges, including the impacts of climate change, increasing globalisation…
13 hours ago 2 Views Almost a year since the first coronavirus lockdown, little is known about exactly how remote learning and…
Onderzoekers van het Erasmus MC doen in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift JAMA Ophthalmology een oproep om extra alert te zijn…
The work of the Research Hub for Gender+ Equity in Sport is more critical than ever as COVID-19 has had a negative and…
Le travail du Centre de recherche pour l'équité des genres+ en sport est plus que jamais nécessaire en raison de la COVID-19…