@UNIFYDTV A study that disagrees with this CN. https://t.co/r6rxWSVvR7
@UNIFYDTV To Community Notes: Duszynski, T.J., Fadel, W., Wools-Kaloustian, K.K. et al. Association of Health Status and Nicotine Consumption with SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates. BMC Public Health 21, 1786 (2021). https://t.co/F1umTqGzsp, https://t.co/EJL8Ux
@MarijuanaMoment Recall the whole "stop smoking" push? "Nicotine use may create a cellular response that may increase the number of receptors on a cell surface in the lungs and could be protective against tissue damage from SARS-CoV-2 infection" https:
@luxurry369 There were interesting findings about smokers and Covid late 2020 into 2021… “Thus, nicotine may reduce the number of binding sites available to SARS-CoV-2, which also binds to the ACE 2 receptor.” https://t.co/QGNjhM8l22