Nutrient timing research revisited User doubleapowpow, in the CrossFit on reddit subreddit, 15 Oct 2016
Study: Must east within 2 hours of training otherwise "anabolic window" reduces by up to 50%? User rystar00, in the Leangains - for practitioners of Martin Berkhan's program subreddit, 04 Feb 2016
According to an American study, post-exercise protein consumption are not necessary for building up muscles, as long as the protein intake is covered during the day. User Muk2239, in the Bodybuilding - everybody wants to be a bodybuilder subreddit, 04 Dec 2015
Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window? User stolenlunches, in the /r/anabolic subreddit, 19 Oct 2014